Using SMS segmentation to get 357x ROI

Karma and Luck had a huge engaged email list and wanted to grow their SMS channel as well. The challenge was, they didn't know what to send to keep people engaged without blasting discounts and without burning out the list.We tested three content types to help Karma and Luck achieve SMS success:
1. Send highly targeted SMS to hyper-relevant segments
2. Send valuable (yes, actually valuable) content
3. Send exclusive (yes, actually exclusive) offers to your VIP list
Avg. campaign ROI from SMS
Revenue generated from SMS in 4 months
Avg. click rate

1. Send highly targeted SMS to hyper-relevant segments
During the holidays, everyone is in the shopping mood. Unfortunately, that means that customers are overwhelmed by "Buy my stuff" messaging. We defined a group of customers that needed help shopping (i.e. a lot of browsing and no buying) and sent them to a Holiday Gift Guide. The campaign produced a 23x return...even without using discounting.

2. Send valuable (yes, actually valuable) content
Remember, value is in the eye of the beholder. We happen to know this audience L-O-V-E-S horoscopes, astrology, and all things spiritual. We drove an 18x ROI by helping Karma and Luck customers learn more about their favorite topic.... themselves. A line of curiosity copy and a link to their horoscope got this segment clicking!

3. Send exclusive (yes, actually exclusive) offers to your VIP list
We enticed customers to sign up with a promise of exclusive offers, so exclusive offers are what they got! By segmenting the most loyal customers and telling them about the exclusivity of a particular offer we saw a staggering 357x ROI. That's almost $10,000 from less than 900 of our best customers!