How to get sales past black friday

Kinky Curly Yaki is an online store that sells natural hair extensions for black women, by black women. In November 2018, Founder Vivian Kaye was turning 40, and she wanted to have a big, fun blowout sale to celebrate her birthday--which was just two days after Cyber Monday. To break through, we created a “40 for 40” campaign: a 1-hour flash sale where everything in the store would be 40% off in honor of her birthday. It was the deepest sale of the year, and in that single hour, we generated $25,000 in sales. And that $25,000? It came from only 134 customers. Want to know how we did it? Check out below.
1 Hour
Sale Length
Step 1: The Right Audience, The Right Time
The most important part of this campaign was finding a time where we’d reach her best customers. Going through her campaign analytics, we realized that a majority of her customers bought midday, somewhat surprising for most brands and companies we work with. We decided the sale should happen at 3pm, which was right around when her best customers would be the most engaged, but late enough in the day so that we could send priming emails to them starting in the morning.
Step 2: Building the Landing Page
Kinky Curly Yaki is very much the voice of it’s founder, and we had spent lots of time over the months making sure every email sounded like it was coming directly from her. So when we announced that this sale was for her 40th birthday, we needed the landing page, and the emails, to be just as fun and vibrant as she is, and to have a higher level of functionality than other sales pages. We created a countdown page which listed the details of the giveaway, and told anyone who visited to come back at 3pm. If someone opened one of our early morning emails, they could just refresh the same link at 3pm it would switch over to the actual sale, similar to how a concert ticketing page works. You can see the finished landing page here to the left.And speaking of early morning emails...